Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 13 - 24 of 50 in total

CS Lewis personal tour of Oxford...

Kim Gilnett

Czech Glass Liquor Decanter with...

Sharon Cumberland

Editing Services

Heidi McElrath

"A bunch of other languages stacked on top of each other, under a trench coat” is how some people describe our English language, but not Heidi! Heidi always knows where to put a comma, and when a modifier is dangling, and she can help you know, too! Or at least make it seem like you do. Whether academic or fantastical (or both?) let Heidi make you sound like you wrote a thesis on punctuation—which she did! Up to 4,000 words (as long as it’s English!) will be proofed and copyedited thoroughly enough to appease the pickiest reader (and she’ll ask her mother, just to make sure). Make your prose sparkle!

"A bunch of other languages stacked on top of each other, under a trench coat” is how some people describe our English language, but not Heidi! Heidi always knows where to put a comma, and when a modifier is dangling, and she can help you know, too! Or at least make it seem like you do. Whether academic or fantastical (or both?) let Heidi make you sound like you wrote a thesis on punctuation—which she did! Up to 4,000 words (as long as it’s English!) will be proofed and copyedited thoroughly enough to appease the pickiest reader (and she’ll ask her mother, just to make sure). Make your prose sparkle!

"A bunch of other languages stacked on top of each other, under a trench coat” is how some people describe our English language, but not Heidi! Heidi always knows where to put a comma, and when a modifier is dangling, and she can help you know, too! Or at least make it seem like you do. Whether academic or fantastical (or both?) let Heidi make you sound like you wrote a thesis on punctuation—which she did! Up to 4,000 words (as long as it’s English!) will be proofed and copyedited thoroughly enough to appease the pickiest reader (and she’ll ask her mother, just to make sure). Make your prose sparkle!

Fox Island Waterfront Retreat 2-...

Gregg + Jill Peters

French Flower Market Photo

Tom Brewer / Barry Barr

Fresh Baked Bread & Homemade App...

Nicole Novak

Fresh Eggs!

The Drackett Family Backyard Farm

Garden Tools and Ornamentals

Flower Team

Gift Certificate to Queen Marghe...

Anonymous Donor

How-to video for plant-based ris...

Barbara Potgieter

Introductory Piano Lessons

Jessie Comfort

Justice-themed Children's Books

Children and Family Ministries at St Paul's